Library Cataloging


I have become an Amazon associate. Not to get piles of cash from mentioning books like the Classification System for Libraries of Judaica. Rather, because there is a nifty Web service I wished to participate in, Weblog Bookwatch.
The Weblog Bookwatch searches weblogs that pass through the Recently Changed list at looking for links to books at, Barnes & Noble, or Powells. The books below were the most frequently mentioned.
This is a good idea, listing the most discussed books, but a bit crippled. One has to be an associate for one of those 3 businesses. At Amazon, only books in their catalog can have the link that Weblog Bookwatch searches. Out of print items cannot get a link, so they will not be counted. Still, it is interesting enough that I went ahead and became an associate.

- Open Publication Distribution System
Well, I'm back to the weblog again because an idea has taken hold of me. I recently became aware of Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) Catalog format, a syndication format for e-pubs based on Atom & HTTP. It is something like an RSS feed...

- Book Covers
I'd be interested in getting info about a good source for book covers. I've tried LibraryThing. It was simple but the hit rate for covers, for our collection, was about 1%. How about Google Books, or Open Library? Any legal problems with use?...

- has some interesting cataloging tools. There is an Amazon to MARC converter, DDC22 summaries, Amazon review server, and some others. They also have an ILS to download. Runs in the LAMP environment. They seem to have it up and running on their...

- Citations
Amazon seems to be getting into the citation linking Citations is a program that helps customers discover books related to the ones they're interested in. Amazon scans every book in the Search Inside the Book program looking for phrases...

- A Patron's Viewpoint
Timothy Burke writes in his 'blog "Burn the Catalog."I?m to the point where I think we?d be better off to just utterly erase our existing academic catalogs and forget about backwards-compatibility, lock all the vendors and librarians and scholars...

Library Cataloging
