Cataloging Research
Library Cataloging

Cataloging Research

?Just where?s the damn book?,? or, Rediscovering the art of cataloging by Chad P. Abel-Kops is now available on E-LIS.
Current discussions on the future of cataloging describe a "crisis" that has been going on longer than most realize. However, new challenges posed by the Internet have given increased attention to a more complete transformation of bibliographic control. Contributions by Calhoun and others have shown that much can be gleaned from research in fields beyond library and information science, namely in documenting how people actually react to information and the process they employ in its discovery. While many technical solutions have been offered in these discussions, the author considers the more elusive social and moral dimensions which help explain why what has been described as a "crisis" continues.

- The Future Of Cataloging: A Palinet Symposium
MP3s and slides from The Future of Cataloging: A PALINET Symposium are now available. The talks were:Keynote Address, Karen Calhoun "Traveling Through Transitions in Technical Services: From Surviving to Thriving"Response to Keynote, Panel Discussion...

- The Future Of The Catalog
Well worth reading and considering, The Changing Nature of the Catalog and Its Integration with Other Discovery Tools. Final Report. March 17, 2006. Prepared for the Library of Congress by Karen Calhoun. A Critical Review by Thomas Mann.According to the...

- Research
Some interesting research being done. Can hardly wait for the results. I'm particularly interested in the first project. It is being done at my alma mater and I know some catalogers in that part of the state. Seen on the OCLC Web site.OCLC Research...

- Metadata
Metadata switch: thinking about some metadata management and knowledge organization issues in the changing research and learning landscape by Lorcan Dempsey, Eric Childress, Carol Jean Godby, Thomas B. Hickey, Diane Vizine-Goetz, and Jeff Young appears...

- Cataloging
Industrializing the Work Flow New Trends in Technical Services is the theme of the latest OLA Quarterly v. 9, no. 1 (Spring 2003). Articles include:Beyond MARC: New Trends for the Library of the Future by Bessie MayesThe Craft of Local Practice: How Catalogers...

Library Cataloging
