Cataloging SlotMusic
Library Cataloging

Cataloging SlotMusic

Image representing slotMusic as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

The Guide to Cataloging SlotMusic Based on AACR2 Chapters 6 and 9, created by the SlotMusic Cataloging Joint Task Force of the Music Library Assocation (MLA) and the Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC), is now available at the OLAC website.

- Cataloging Playway Devices
Some help from OLAC on cataloging Playway devices.The OLAC/MLA Joint Task Force on Best Practice Guidelines for Cataloging Playaways has completed its review of the implications of the new RDA rules for Playaway cataloging, based on the latest RDA draft....

- Guide To Cataloging Dvds
The DVD Guide Update Task Force of the Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) has completed the draft of the guide and is interested in your comments and suggestions. Many thanks to Sue Neumeister for placing the draft on the OLAC website in the following...

- Cataloging Dvds
I've mentioned OLAC's guidelines for cataloging DVD'd in the past. Guide to Cataloging DVDs Using AACR2r Chapters 7 and 9 created by the DVD Cataloging Task Force, Cataloging Policy Committee, Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. I just found...

- Cataloging Dvd's
The DVD Task Force of OLAC's (Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc.) Cataloging Policy Committee is happy to announce the availability of their primer for cataloging DVDs using AACR2 Chs. 7 and 9. The primer appears in both HTML and PDF formats, and...

- Olac
Another useful organization for catalogers is OLAC, the OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers.Their statement of purpose is "In 1980, OLAC was founded to establish and maintain a group that could speak for catalogers of audiovisual materials. OLAC provides a...

Library Cataloging
