Cites & Insights
Library Cataloging

Cites & Insights

The latest issue of Cites & Insights is now available. Walt Crawford's well writted opinions on e-books, COWLZ and technology. Always a good read.

- Cites & Insights
Walt Crawford's latest issue of Cites & Insights is now available. It includes:Ethical Perspectives: Republishing and Blogging (no, it's not about the Webcred conference)The Library Stuff: two articles and a cluster of five blog entries worth...

- Cites & Insights
Now available: Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large v. 3 no. 12 (whole issue #41, a milestone issue), October 2003.The 20-page issue (PDF as usual) includes:Mini-Perspectives: 41 at 58First Have Something to Say: Chapter 18: Hiding Behind PowerPointThe...

- Cites & Insights
The new issue of Cites & Insights is now available. Always worth reading....

- Lita
Walt Crawford discusses the negative effects of LITA no longer having a newsletter in the latest Cites & Insights. I'm not a member, I'm in SLA, but I think a 'blog would be ideal. The burden of publication would be diffuse. The officers could...

- Greetings All!
It's December 26, the Second Day of Christmas, St. Stephen's Day in the Western church calendar, Boxing Day to Brits and their kin. No need to dream; here in Ohio Christmas is white this year, and no doubt David has plenty underfoot for his ski...

Library Cataloging
