Classification Web
Library Cataloging

Classification Web

This announcement from CDS:
You may have noticed recently the addition of a link for "Library of Congress OPAC (read-only)" on the Class Web OPAC page. This link was included for ALA Midwinter on an experimental basis and it connected to mirror version of the LC OPAC that is updated weekly.

CDS is happy to announce that as of today, March 15, 2004, this link is permanent and has been enhanced. It now connects to the live LC OPAC which is updated daily. It will still not be possible for LC staff to update cataloging records via this portal, so the display remains "read-only", but response time should be greatly increased and the currency of the data substantially improved.

- The Opac And Oai
The winner of the OCLC software contest is Dazhi (David) Jiao of Bloomington Indiana for his OPAC.CAT-OAI integrates OAI harvesting and metadat searching to OPAC search engines and expands users' discoveries in a OPAC search results to related web-accesible...

- Enhanced Opacs
Does your OPAC provide services or tools beyond the norm? If so Steven Cohen, at Library Stuff, want to hear about it. Once he has had a few replies it might be a good place to get ideas for improving your own OPAC. OPAC...

- Lc Updates
Update No. 5 (October 2004) to the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data is now available from the Library of Congress. This update features information including:New content designatorsUpdated and new examplesImproved descriptions of content designatorsUpdate...

- Catalogs
The Library Link of the Day points to Adding Substance, Not Just Frills, to a Library's Online Catalog by Janet L. Balas in Computers in LibrariesIntegrating enhanced content and electronic resources into the OPAC is a trend that librarians cannot...

- Links Database
Rahoo is a:Link-Checking URL Database for schools and Libraries that want to keep collections of preselected links but are concerned about link rot and the unstructured web. The program is written in Pure PHP. Runs on Mysql and is based on PHPLinks. New...

Library Cataloging
