DBpedia 3.5 Released
Library Cataloging

DBpedia 3.5 Released

The logo of Wikipedia.Image via Wikipedia

Work continues on DBpedia.
We are happy to announce the release of DBpedia 3.5. The new release is based on Wikipedia dumps dating from March 2010. Compared to the 3.4 release, we were able to increase the quality of the DBpedia knowledge base by employing a new data extraction framework which applies various data cleansing heuristics as well as by extending the infobox-to-ontology mappings that guide the data extraction process.

The new DBpedia knowledge base describes more than 3.4 million things, out of which 1.47 million are classified in a consistent ontology, including 312,000 persons, 413,000 places, 94,000 music albums, 49,000 films, 15,000 video games, 140,000 organizations, 146,000 species and 4,600 diseases. The DBpedia data set features labels and abstracts for these 3.2 million things in up to 92 different languages; 1,460,000 links to images and 5,543,000 links to external web pages; 4,887,000 external links into other RDF datasets, 565,000 Wikipedia categories, and 75,000 YAGO categories. The DBpedia knowledge base altogether consists of over 1 billion pieces of information (RDF triples) out of which 257 million were extracted from the English edition of Wikipedia and 766 million were extracted from other language editions.

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