Library Cataloging


The post on JSTOR is an experiment. I just wanted to see how the Blam! service works. Looks fine to me, let me know if you experience any problems.

Maybe this would be a good tie-in with the Librarians Book Club. Comments on the books could be made available to a larger audience that way.

- Ereaders
eReaders are being pushed as one of the gifts this holiday season. I bought one last summer and here are my personal impressions and thoughts about the device. They may help you in making a decision. I bought a nook. I wanted e-ink; I spend all day looking...

- Oclc's Expert Community Experiment
News from OCLC about the Expert Community Experiment. Seems like it is working just fine.In April, there were 19,489 Expert Community Experiment replaces (up from 18,910 in March). Activity since the start of the Experiment now totals 44,215 records replaced....

- Oclc's Expert Community Experiment
Good news from OCLC.In response to requests from the cataloging community, OCLC is introducing the Expert Community Experiment which enables cataloging members to make more changes to WorldCat records. During the Experiment, members with full level cataloging...

- This 'blog
This week, as an experiment, I'm using w.bloggar to post to this 'blog. W.Blogger is PC based freeware that allows posting to Blogger.com. It adds some bells and whistles. So far, it seems to be working just fine. If anyone experiences any problems,...

- Not Cataloging
This is a great idea, the Librarians Book Club. How did I miss this for so long? Here is how they describe their mission:The Librarian's Book Club is a group to read and discuss books that are about libraries and the library profession. Every two...

Library Cataloging
