Library Cataloging


The papers from the FOAF-Galway meeting in early September are available. This is a metadata schema I find facinating, it describes personal relationships. Human beings are great resources and describing a social network could provide a unique method to access that wisdom and knowledge.

Some of the papers are:

- Foaf
I'm going to start experimenting more with Friend of a Friend (FOAF) metadata. Anyone currently using this? Anyone want to be my friend? (Sounds pathetic). Will I be the first librarian blogger with a FOAF file? I didn't notice any others in the...

- Foaf
FOAF : Using open standards to support community building by Brian Kelly appears in the latest issue of Ariadne. FOAF is an interesting concept and can provide one level of Web structure.This article has sought to describe FOAF and outline its potential,...

- Foaf
The RDFWeb and the FOAF (Friend of a Friend) project has a redesigned site. "FOAF is all about creating and using machine-readable homepages that describe people, the links between them and the things they create and do."I'm curious, is anyone using...

- Foaf
Parsing FOAF with PHP by Ian Davis is a short introduction to RDF (Resource Description Framework), specifically FOAF (Friend of A friend). FOAF could help establish communities of trust or at least, provide an alternative systems of links to navigate...

- Rdf
A variation of FOAF is being used to link 'blogs, Blog RDF. Dave Bryson has created a tool to generate an RDF file to include in the head of a Web log showing other sites of a similar nature. Blog RDF does not have the drawback of FOAF, spam, since...

Library Cataloging
