Library Cataloging


I've received the Proceedings of the 36th Meeting of the Geoscience Information Society. Lots of reading, and reason enough to join the society. Not much on cataloging or metadata. The real revelation was that the publications of the USGS are missing the normal distribution process, in large numbers. There are publications on the Web that have bib records that do not reflect that, publications on the Web that the main publications page do not point to, and publications on the Web that have no record. The depository system, Marcive, and even the USGS itself cannot guide a user to all the publications available.

- Cataloging Exhibition Publications
Cataloging Exhibition Publications: Best Practices by the Art Libraries Society of North America provides useful guidance for these materials....

- Corporate Body Publications
Using CWA to Frame an Investigation into the Use of Corporate Body Publications by Kari Holland appears in the latest issue of the Bulletin of asis&t.This article describes a study that looks at how researchers in forest science, oceanography and fishery...

- Catalog Of U.s. Government Publications
There is a new version of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP). This version of the CGP is the online public access catalog (OPAC) module of the Government Printing Office's (GPO) new integrated library system. With the availability of...

- Deep Web
Our catalog is part of the deep or invisible Web. In an effort to make it more visible I've created a Web page that is just a bibliography with links back to the catalog record for LPI publications. It will be interesting to see if and when these...

- Ads Historical Literature Project
The ADS is working with the John G. Wolbach Library at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to digitize microfilms from selected historical publications in astronomy, including observatory reports, bulletins and annals. During the first phase...

Library Cataloging
