Library Cataloging
Hennepin County Library Authority Files
Over on the RadCat e-mail list there has been some discussion about the sorry state of the Hennepin County Library Authority Files. As the files are currently presented they are only searchable by record number. Surely, such an important resource for historic, practical and educational purposes deserves better.
Maybe this could be a task for Hackfest? Or another open-source project. Maybe a grad LIS student at the host institution could enhance access as a student project. Something should be done to provide access to this database.
Authority Record Access
Why doesn't LC offer Z39.50 access to the authority files? How about their other thesauri, like the Thesaurus For Graphic Materials? Easy access to these files would be useful. Maybe Z39.50 is "so yesterday" and SRU/SRW or an API is the answer. These...
Virtual International Authority File
News from OCLC.OCLC, the Bibliothéque nationale de France, the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and the Library of Congress have signed a memorandum of understanding to extend and enhance the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF), a project which...
VIAF: The Virtual International Authority File is a joint project of OCLC with the Library of Congress and Die Deutsche Bibliothek.Once the existing authority records are linked, shared OAI servers will be established to maintain the authority files and...
This is a plea to OCLC and RLN to consider providing access to the authority files as a separate product. We are a small library and cannot afford full cataloging status on either of these utilities. However, with our specialized collection and close...
The end of next week I'm getting a NACO refresher and training on RLIN. NACO, the name authority component of the PCC, is a wonderful program. I would suggest all catalogers take advantage of the training they provide. The ability to add names to...
Library Cataloging