Information Organization for 'Blogs
Library Cataloging

Information Organization for 'Blogs

Sounds interesting.
liveTopics is a tool that enhances the Radio Userland knowledge-logging application making it an ideal personal knowledge sharing platform. In it?s initial release liveTopics provides the ability to attach meta data or topics to each post to your weblog. These are used to generate a Table of Contents to make semantic browsing and cross-referencing possible. The next release will include functionality for sharing topic information across a number of weblogs using the XTM format. This will support the creation of corporate weblog directories. Future integration?s include providing topic information in outgoing RSS feeds to allow clever aggregation.
I'm not using Radio Userland for this 'blog so there is no way I can check it out. I hope they are using standards like Dublin Core and RSS 1.X. The choice of terms to describe something can also be important and hinder access. I use Texas, Tex. TX, n-us-tx, 4030, 77058-1113 at any time to describe about the same place. My choice depends on the setting and is not usable in other contexts. The folks at Blogchalking are finding out the problems in dealing with just U.S. states. Still this is the beginning of a system of access. Interesting.

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Library Cataloging
