Java MARC Tool
Library Cataloging

Java MARC Tool

The second release candidate of MARC4J 2.0 is now available. Starting from release 2.0rc1 the event based parser is replaced by an easier to use interface that uses a simple iterator over a collection of MARC records.

The MARC4J library includes:


- Editor For Marc Records
Eclipse Editor for MARC Records by Bojana Dimi? Surla appears in the latest issue of Information Technology and Libraries. Editing bibliographic data is an important part of library information systems. In this paper we discuss existing approaches in...

- New Version Of Marc4j
For the first time in almost two years there has been a new release of marc4j. Release 2.4 is a minor release in the sense that it shouldn't break any existing code, but it's a major release in the sense that it represents an influx of new people...

- Marc Rtp
A while back I posted that the MARC Record Translation Program (MARC RTP) had disappeared. Now it is back, though at a temporary home.MARC RTP was especially developed so that catalogue data contained in MARC format files could be converted, and selectively...

- Marc4j Workbook
Crosswalking: Processing MARC in XML Environments with MARC4J by Bas Peters is now available from Lulu.This concise book is for library programmers who want to learn to use MARC4J to process bibliographic data. MARC4J is an open source software library...

- Z39.50
oss4lib reports that the Visual Basic Binding of ZOOM Z39.50 API has a new version available.:VB-ZOOM is an ActiveX COMponent, written in Visual Basic, which is an implementation of the ZOOM (Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model) Abstract API. It is a wrapper...

Library Cataloging
