Koha 3.0
Library Cataloging

Koha 3.0

The Koha folks have announced that a packaged release of Koha 3.00.00 is now available. It can be download from the usual location:


The 3.0 manual is available and will continually be updated.

- Koha Ils Newsletter
Today marks the first official release of the Koha ILS Newsletter. The newsletter will be released on the 15th of each month and available at http://koha.web2learning.net while the community awaits decisions related to the koha.org domain and foundation...

- Koha News
Koha 2.2.4 is here. Koha 2.2.4 should be the last release of the 2.2 branch with new features. Koha 2.2.5 should contain only bugfixes. However, Koha 3.0 is already on the way and should give libraries a new great experience Koha is the first Open-Source...

- Koha
After a two year cycle of intense development efforts Koha 2.0 is now being released! Early release copies of Koha 2.0 have been deployed in libraries in France and the United States for over 6 months. With this new release, we expect Koha to be deployed...

- Koha
Windows install packages for Koha Stable Release V1.2.3 and Koha Test Release V1.9.2 are now available. There is a set of pages on the Koha wiki supporting installing Koha on Windows Click on KohaOnWindows to find download links and other information...

- Open Source Ils
This from the Koha mail list. More details at the Koha siteKoha 1.2.2 has been released. Special thanks (again) to Steve Tonnesen, who drove this release to completion. 1.2.2 is a significant bug squashing release.Many people have combined in testing...

Library Cataloging
