LCSH Suggestion Blog-a-Thon
Library Cataloging

LCSH Suggestion Blog-a-Thon

The Radical Reference folks are having a Library of Congress Subject Heading Suggestion Blog-a-Thon.
Do subject headings still matter? We say they do.

Does the Library of Congress always identify accessible and appropriately named headings and implement them in a timely manner? We say not always. All you have to do is spend one day behind a reference desk to see examples of biased, non-inclusive, and counterintuitive classifications that slow down, misdirect, or even obscure information from library users. As librarians and library workers, providing access to information is important-and classifying it in ways that are inclusive and intuitive strengthens our egalitarian mission.

Between now and Sunday, April 27, Radical Reference invites you to suggest subject headings and/or cross-references which will then be compiled and sent to the Library of Congress. You can either choose one previously suggested by Sandy Berman (pdf or spreadsheet) or propose your own.

This is a chance to positively impact the catalog of the de facto national library of the United States, which also impacts cataloging all over the world!

- Subject Headings For Cooking And Cookbooks
Image via WikipediaThis statement was issued by LC concerning the change from cookery to cooking. For some libraries this is going to be a major change. The Library of Congress issued the list of the new and revised subject headings for materials on cooking...

- Genre/form Headings For Radio Programs
Adapted from the e-mail distributed to many lists. As the next step in the development of genre/form headings at the Library of Congress, the Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) would like to announce the beginning of a project to add genre/form...

- Subject Access
"Why LC Subject Headings Are More Important Than Ever" by Thomas Mann, American Libraries, Oct. 2003, v. 34, no. 9 discusses not the importance of LC subject headings, the title is a bit misleading, but the importance of the ability of users to browse...

- Cross Training
I'm still reading Subject Determination During the Cataloging Process by Alenka Sauperl. One of the catalogers interviewed mentioned it is important to work a few hours a week on the reference desk. The catalog is constructed for the user, not other...

- Cataloging Skills
Recently on AUTOCAT, there has been discussion about the skills needed by a cataloger. Here is my 2 cents. Catalogers are concerned with national and international standards. We have MARC21, AACR, the ISBDs, Z39.50 and so on. We like standards, interoperability,...

Library Cataloging
