Library Podcasting
Library Cataloging

Library Podcasting

Has anyone created an OPML file for library podcasts?


- Podcasting Tool
Here is a free podcasting tool that may help some in the podcasting community, the Levelator.It's software that runs on Windows or OS X (universal binary) that adjusts the audio levels within your podcast or other audio file for variations from one...

- Opml
I like OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language). Today I was checking out and it occurred to me we could make MARC so much richer if we could include OPML files inside a MARC record. Field 505, contents, for example. Often a book will...

- Podcasting Librarians
I've just started a Frapper map for podcasting librarians. Anyone have a good picture for the icon?If you are a podcasting librarian add your location to the map. Podcasting...

- Mp3 And My Commute
On my commute, until recently, I've always listened to the radio, or played some tapes or CDs. Now I find I almost never listen to the radio, Pacifica and NPR are things of the past. I've been listening to material on my MP3 player. I listen to...

- Podcasts
I recently started podcasting the What's New at the Lunar and Planetary Library. Before we just had the weblog and the print. Since it seemed to be working just fine, this morning I submitted it to several podcast directories. NOT ONE had a category...

Library Cataloging
