LibraryThing API
Library Cataloging

LibraryThing API

News from LibraryThing.
LibraryThing just released a free, CC-attribution-licensed Web Services XML API to our "Common Knowledge" system, including series data, fictional characters, author dates and much else. I'm particularly stoked about the series data. I think it's of exceptional quality, suitable for use in OPACs (eg., Star+Wars). Anyway, in a catalog or not, there are a lot of cool things to do with it.

- Open Shelves Classification
LibraryThing is building the Open Shelves Classification (OSC), a free, "humble," modern, open-source, crowd-sourced replacement for the Dewey Decimal System.The vision. The Open Shelves Classification should be:Free. Free both to use and to change, with...

- Librarything Api
Tim Spalding has released an API for LibraryThing.I just released a Javascript/JSON API to LibraryThing core work data. It's basically a riff on what Google did recently?a...

- Enhancing The Catalog
In Danbury Conn. the public library has added LibraryThing for Libraries to their catalog.What is LibraryThing for Libraries?Give your patrons exciting new content, including recommendations and tag clouds.Let your patrons take part, with reviews, ratings...

- Librarything's Isbn Feed.
LibraryThing has created a feed of the ISBNs in their system. Now you can compare your holdings to theirs. Since there is talk of LibraryThing making available book covers and tags this would be a good first step, check to see just how much match there...

- Librarything
There has recently been a lot of talk about LibraryThing. It has got me thinking, why not list my library's titles there. I'm considering adding selected new acquisitions (ones with an ISBN) to an LPI LibraryThing page. It would get our library...

Library Cataloging
