Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Library Cataloging

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Next week we host the 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. This is a major task. This 'blog may not be updated as often as normal.

- Eos Ils Users
Are there any planetary science libraries or libraries in the Houston/Galveston area using EOS? If so, would you like to participate in Cross Library Search with the Lunar and Planetary Institute? Just let me know. Thanks....

- Ala 2011
Some of my co-workers from the Lunar and Planetary Institute will be presenting at ALA 2011. Sunday, June 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Science Programming 101: Presenting excellent science programs in your library MCC-Rm 287 (Morial Convention Center) Learn how...

- Shameless Plug Tla
Two of my collogues will be presenting at the Texas Library Association annual conference.Space Science Resources for Students 2:00 - 3:20 PM (Thurs.) Educators at NASA Johnson Space Center?s ARES program and the Lunar and Planetary Institute have assembled...

- Conferences
I'm getting excited. I just had my poster presentation accepted at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. It is on the NACO and SACO programs. I also have a poster at the Texas Music Educators' Association annual conference. That's on...

- Lpsc
This week is the Lunar & Planetary Science Conference. I'll be busy there, so posts may be shorter and/or less frequent....

Library Cataloging
