Library Cataloging


This tool was mentioned in a comment a few days ago, but since the RSS and e-mail folks missed it and some of those reading the Web page may have skipped the comments, here it is again.
The pymarc module provides an API for reading, writing and modifying MARC records from python. MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) is a metadata format for bibliographic data.


While it's not rocket science to read MARC, it's also not something you want to code very often, so pymarc does the lifting for you. pymarc allows you to reading records and extracting arbitrary fields from each record. In addition pymarc provides a mechanism for updating records, and writing records back out in transmission format.

The latest version was released Feb. 2.

- Marc Rtp
A while back I posted that the MARC Record Translation Program (MARC RTP) had disappeared. Now it is back, though at a temporary home.MARC RTP was especially developed so that catalogue data contained in MARC format files could be converted, and selectively...

- Gsafd Thesaurus
Reading the article Using the OAI-PMH ... Differently by Herbert Van de Sompel, Jeffrey A. Young and Thomas B. Hickey in the latest D-Lib Magazine made me aware of an interesting resource, the GSAFD Thesaurus.The records have long been available for download...

- Marc
The new Understanding MARC Authority Records is now available from the Library of Congress. Understanding Marc Authority introduces the MARC 21 authority format to librarians and students who are not familiar with MARC 21 authority records. Although it...

- Perl
How have I missed this, there is a Perl4Lib mail list. It is hosted by Rice University, just up the road. My subscription request has already been sent. Aside from the list archives, there are other resources is a Perl 5 module, composed...

- Metadata Object Description Schema (mods)
"The Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office, with interested experts, has developed the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), which is a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, particularly...

Library Cataloging
