Library Cataloging


I mentioned how much I liked the idea of free download of the GSAFD MARC records. It turns out the Medical Subject Headings have been available for quite some time for free download. They are available in MARC, XML and ASCII. OCLC still does not provide access to the MESH authority records.

The staff of Ehrman Medical Library, NYU School of Medicine have developed a product m[n]m. This PERL program provides a way to update the locally needed records from the entire file provided from the download.

- Facts On File Marc Records
Facts on File is offering MARC records for free for their databases.Facts On File is pleased to provide our subscribers with free MARC records for its reference databases. Multiple records exist for each online resource to meet the different needs of...

- Mapping Thesauri
Another, much larger, mapping of terms from one thesauri to another is mapping MeSH to LCSH as done at Northwestern University. "Mapping the MeSH and LCSH Systems" by Tony Olson and Gary Strawn Information Technology and Libraries. 16(1) (March 1997)...

- Authority Records
Great news! LC authority records are now available online from LC. They are updated daily. For far too long smaller libraries, those without access to OCLC or RLIN have had no access to authority records. There was the searchable file at DRA but that...

- Mesh
"In early April, the Health Sciences OCLC Users Group (HSOCLCUG) conducted an anonymous survey on MeSH authority control practices in health sciences libraries. There were 105 respondents to the survey. Here is a summary of our findings.Half the respondents...

- Mesh Survey
We would like to invite librarians interested in MeSH (medical subject headings) authority control to complete an online survey. The Health Sciences OCLC Users Group is conducting the survey. It is coordinated by Dan Kniesner (kniesner at at...

Library Cataloging
