Library Cataloging


First Monday has the article "A Metadata Approach to Preservation of Digital Resources: The University of North Texas Libraries' Experience" by Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Samantha Kelly Hastings, and Cathy Nelson Hartman.
This paper discusses the issues related to digital resources preservation and demonstrates the role of preservation metadata in facilitating the preservation activities in general. In particular, it describes the efforts being made by the UNT libraries to ensure the long-term access and preservation of various digital information resources.

- Premis Data Dictionary For Preservation Metadata
The PREMIS Editorial Committee is pleased to announce the release of the PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, version 2.0. This document is a revision of Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final report of the PREMIS Working Group,...

- Preservation Metadata
For several years OCLC and RLG have jointly sponsored expert working groups on preservation-related topics. The current group, PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies), is international in composition and focused on the development of...

- Preservation Metadata
OCLC is conducting a survey of those using preservation metadata.Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS), a working group sponsored by OCLC and RLG, seeks information about digital preservation repositories. The focus of PREMIS is on...

- Metadata
D-Lib Magazine has the article A Metadata Framework Developed at the Tsinghua University Library to Aid in the Preservation of Digital Resources by Jinfang Niu.This article provides an overview of work completed at Tsinghua University Library in which...

- Preservation Metadata
OCLC AND RLG WORKING GROUP RELEASES REPORT ON 'METADATA FRAMEWORK TO SUPPORT PRESERVATION OF DIGITAL OBJECTS'DUBLIN, Ohio, June 11, 2002--The Working Group on Preservation Metadata, an initiative jointly sponsored by OCLC and RLG, has released...

Library Cataloging
