Library Cataloging


Some interesting interfaces to controlled vocabulary schemes including LCSH which might help our users navigate our catalogs are being developed at the Metadata Research Program, School of Information Management and Systems, University of California Berkeley. I spotted this on the Library Techlog by Matthew Eberle

- Oft Used Forms
This item from Matthew Eberle at Library TechlogPaul Bracke from dLIST has written back to my query to say that they'd welcome the kind of material Library_Geek says we should be collecting (collection development policies, instruction handouts, mission...

- Facetmap
FacetMap: Your Home for Faceted Classification "FacetMap is both a data model and a software package, created to let users browse complex metadata while retaining a simple, familiar, menu interface" Looks a bit complex at the moment, in time there may...

- Marc Tools
Nathan Denny has kindly released as public domain the projects he has been working on. There is a program to manipulate MARC records, another to convert them into RDF/DC, a Z39.50 tool and more. They are written in Python (I've been hearing than name...

- Metadata
Solid introduction to metadata Demystifying Metadata by Marty Lucas.In the faddish dot-com world it's tempting to dismiss metadata as this nanosecond's buzzer button, but metadata is really an age-old answer to an age-old problem. The problem...

- Xml
An interesting article, How Does XML Help Libraries? by Kyle Banerjee from the latest Computers in LibrariesMany technological innovations relating to libraries have been made over the past decade, but few have generated as much excitement as XML. While...

Library Cataloging
