NACO Participants' Manual
Library Cataloging

NACO Participants' Manual

The third edition of the NACO Participants' Manual was published in August and represents the collective efforts of many members of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), the Library of Congress (LC) Cooperative Cataloging Team, and the LC Cataloging Policy and Support Office. The PCC Standing Committee on Training provided assistance throughout the process. The manual addresses Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) procedures for name authority records and is intended to be used in conjunction with other authoritative documentation, including documentation from the OCLC and RLG bibliographic utilities. The manual has been extensively revised and updated to reflect current practice. One notable change from the earlier edition is the omission of subject practices since they are covered in the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings. The new publication is available in PDF file format, or as part of the LC Cataloging Distribution Service's Cataloger's Desktop.--Also from the LCCN Cataloging Newsletter v. 13, no. 12.


- Genre/form Authority Records
The draft of Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings H1913 is available of comment.In working to define the guidelines for the creation and application of these headings, the Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) has drafted instruction sheet...

- Integrating Resources
The document Integrating Resources: A Cataloging Manual has been revised by a task group of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging's Standing Committee on Training. TG Chair Judy Kuhagen (LC, CPSO) and her committee took into account changes to AACR2...

- Basic Subject Cataloging Using Lcsh
The chairs of the Standing Committee on Training of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging and of the Subject Analysis Training Materials Subcommittee, ALCTS Subject Analysis Committee announce the availability of a new workshop, Basic Subject Cataloging...

- Authority Records
This from the latest LC Cataloging Newsline: For some time now, LC's Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) has been processing and distributing to subscribers, including the bibliographic utilities, name authority records derived from the National...

- Authority Records
I was asked where to find training in authority records. I can't find any online. The best is that offered by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) as NACO or SACO training. If you have the chance, take it. SACO training is offered each year...

Library Cataloging
