Library Cataloging


The NASIG Newsletter is now available to all, previously access was restricted to members. The Dec. issue contains information on:The North American Serials Interest Group is a bargain, only $25.00 for membership and only $5.00 for students. Read the newsletter to see what they are up to and then join.

- Nasig Rss Feed
The North American Serials Interest Group, Inc (NASIG) now has an RSS feed from their news page. Looks like the page is using Blogger. NASIG...

- Nasig Conference
NASIG's 20th Annual Conference will be returning to the Upper Midwest this spring as we visit the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. The conference will be held May 19-22, 2005 at the Minneapolis (downtown) Hilton. Both the Conference Planning...

- Nasig
The North American Serials Interest Group has the latest issue of their newsletter available. Included in the issue is a fine review of the Integrating Resources Cataloging Workshop, a preconference workshop from the last NASIG conference.Remember, is...

- Serials
Cataloging Electronic Integrating Resources reported by Betty Landesman appears in the latest NASIG Newsletter.The ALCTS Electronic Resources Discussion Group held a managed discussion on cataloging electronic integrating resources at ALA Midwinter on...

- Serials
The proceedings of the NASIG annual conference are now available to members online. They will be published as The Serials Librarian Volume 42, Numbers 1/2 and 3/4 (2001). Some of the items of interest to catalogers include:Taming the Aggregators: Providing...

Library Cataloging
