OCLC Control Number Expansion
Library Cataloging

OCLC Control Number Expansion

News from OCLC about their control numbers.
WorldCat continues to grow! As indicated earlier this year, the OCLC Control Number is anticipated to reach one billion after July 1, 2013. At that point, OCLC will increase the length of the OCLC number to accommodate a variable length number string. If you use and/or store OCLC MARC bibliographic records and the OCLC Control Number, you will notice a change after July 1, 2013. You will need to check the systems at your institution that use OCLC MARC bibliographic records and the OCLC number. You may need to implement changes to ensure those systems will be able to successfully handle the longer OCLC number effective July 1, 2013.

- News From Oclc
On August 16, 2009, OCLC plans to implement the changes related to the OCLC-MARC Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings Formats Update 2009. This will include MARC 21 Updates No. 8 (October 2007) and No. 9 (October 2008), MARC Code List changes since...

- Worldcat And The Future Of Bibliographic Control
Karen Calhoun spoke on WorldCat and the future of bibliographic control at the recent OCLC Members Council.One bit I found interesting was that Baker and Taylor Cataloging Plus libraries are now OCLC members. These were described as small school libraries,...

- Oclc & Authority Records
From OCLC:As a result of changes outside of OCLC's control that impact the authorities distribution files, OCLC will not load new authorities files (names and subjects) until after the first of the year.This decision will have an impact on all OCLC...

- Oclc For Smaller Libraries
CatExpress was for smaller libraries that catalog less than 2,000 titles per year. OCLC has recently announced that they are lifting the ceiling to 8,000 so that larger libraries can subscribe to the service.Here's how it works. Estimate your needs...

- Mesh
"In early April, the Health Sciences OCLC Users Group (HSOCLCUG) conducted an anonymous survey on MeSH authority control practices in health sciences libraries. There were 105 respondents to the survey. Here is a summary of our findings.Half the respondents...

Library Cataloging
