Library Cataloging


When I noted the revision to the ONIX standard I asked if anyone has access to ONIX records or are they hidden behind firewalls at the publisher's sites. LC has access, but I've not heard from anyone that a publisher is making their ONIX records available to the public.

Here is what LC is doing with the records:

- Onix Resource
Here is a go-to place for ONIX Records for LibrariesI am trying to gather information on publishers who make ONIX records available for downloading. Here is what I have so far. If you know of another publisher that freely offers ONIX records for downloading,...

- Metadata
Medeiros, Norm (2004) Repurposed metadata : ONIX and the Library of Congress' BEAT Program. OCLC Systems & Services 20(3):pp. 93-95.This article reviews the ONIX-based efforts of the Library of Congress' Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team...

- Onix
There have been some minor changes made to ONIX for Books.Following the original issue of Release 2.1 in June 2003, and a number of corrections and minor upgrades made in December 2003 as Revision 01, we have made a few further additions, primarily to...

- Contributor Biographical Information
856 links will now lead to contributor biographical information in LC bib records. This is the latest project in the ONIX family of projects. The ONIX standard calls this information 'contributor information' rather than author or editor information...

- Record Enhancement
A streaming video presentation Electronic Table of Contents: Key to the Library's Book Collection is available.David Williamson, cataloging automation specialist for the Cataloging Directorate, discussed enhancing bibliographic records using publisher...

Library Cataloging
