Library Cataloging


Jessamyn West at librarian.net raises an interesting question about our OPACs. Does adding cover art and enhanced records from services like Syndetic Solutions Inc. amount to labeling? Only the most recent books and publishers with the deepest pockets can afford to have their information made available. The small independent publishers are less likely to be included in the service. Older materials are not there at all. I believe, the service only covers materials to the early nineties. Are books without the additional content less visible to our users? Are we morphing into a mega-bookstore?

I've long believed that the vendors drive too many decisions in our libraries. I often hear that some non-standard technique is used in cataloging since the system does not handle the standard right. This is just another example of that power. We must be careful in our decisions. Maybe content enhancement is for the better, maybe not. However, we should be making the decision not the vendor.

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Library Cataloging
