Professional Reading
Library Cataloging

Professional Reading

The latest issue of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship has some interesting articles.

- Preservation Metadata
For several years OCLC and RLG have jointly sponsored expert working groups on preservation-related topics. The current group, PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies), is international in composition and focused on the development of...

- Preservation Metadata
April 2004 issue of D-Lib Magazine includes the paper: Implementing Metadata in Digital Preservation Systems: The PREMIS Activity by Brian F. Lavoie.As cultural heritage institutions, businesses, and government agencies invest more and more resources...

- Marc Records
Cornell University has announced that catalog records for the Cornell Digital Math Books Collection are now available. The records include durable links that allow free online viewing. The set of 511 MARC records the collection is now available via a...

- Digital Repository Management System
The Fedora project was established under the auspices of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to build a digital object repository management system based on the Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (Fedora). The new system, designed...

- Digital Preservation
Preserving the Memory of the World in Perpetuity: a joint statement on the archiving and preserving of digital information by IFLA and IPA (International Publishers Association). Here are the principles and recommendations:An increasing amount of information...

Library Cataloging
