Library Cataloging


Washington, DC - SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) today released a major white paper, "The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper," which examines the strategic roles institutional repositories serve for colleges and universities. The paper asserts that institutional repositories are a natural extension of an academic institution's role as a generator of primary research, and envisions such repositories as critical components in the evolving structure of scholarly communication. It is available in HTML and PDF.

- Institutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite, the latest Digital Scholarship publication, is designed to give the reader a very quick introduction to key aspects of institutional repositories and to foster further exploration of this topic though liberal...

- Oai-pmh And Mets In The Institutional Repository
Using OAI-PMH and METS for exporting metadata and digital objects between repositories by Jonathan Bell and Stuart Lewis.To examine the relationship between deposit of electronic theses in institutional and archival repositories. Specifically the paper...

- Guide To Institutional Repository Software
The Guide to Institutional Repository Software v 3.0 has been released by the Budapest Open Access Initiative.Universities and research centers throughout the world are actively planning and implementing institutional repositories. This activity entails...

- Institutional Repositories
The Repository Adventure by H. Frank Cervone appears in the latest Library Journal.If libraries step up to the plate, they will fundamentally transform their role from passive transfer agents of information into active partners in the dissemination process....

- Eprints
Prospects for institutional e-print repositories in the United Kingdom by Michael Day discusses the UK project to establish an eprint server by harvesting metadata from institutional and subject-based e-prints archives using the Open Archive Initiative...

Library Cataloging
