RDA Cataloging on Google+
Library Cataloging

RDA Cataloging on Google+

There is a Google+ Community for RDA Cataloging, a place to share ideas. For example, currently there is a template for a corporate body name.
RDA Cataloging is an online community/group/forum for library and information science students, professionals and cataloging & metadata librarians. It is a place where people can get together to share ideas, trade tips and tricks, share resources, get the latest news, and learn about Resource Description and Access (RDA), a new cataloging standard to replace AACR2

- Middle East Cataloging Resource
The Middle East Librarians' Association (MELA) has a new website devoted to cataloging. The MELA Committee on Cataloging (ConC) is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, which incorporates the Arabic Cataloging Manual (ACM). The site provides...

- New Possibilities In Cooperative Cataloging?
ALCTS is holding an e-forum on new trends in sharing cataloging data. *New Possibilities in Cooperative Cataloging?* June 15-16, 2010 E-forum starts at 10 AM Eastern, 9 AM Central, 8 AM Mountain, and 7 AM Pacific time and runs until 6 PM Eastern, 5 PM...

- Google In Cataloging
"Have You Searched Google Yet?" Using Google as a Discovery Tool for Cataloging Jennifer Lang by appears in the latest issue of Library Philosophy and Practice.This paper demonstrates how some of Google's search functionalities can be used to locate...

- Ala Midwinter
Here is my schedule for ALA midwinter:Friday FRBR Implementers Grp. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM OLAC Online Audiovisual Catalogers CAPC (Cataloging and Policy Com.) 7:30 PM - 9:30 PMSaturday Cataloging and Classification Discussion Group 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM MARC...

- Pasadena City College
Welcome to the students from Pasadena City College, Library 105 "Cataloging Procedures in an Online Environment." I notice from the syllabus you are required to read this 'blog. Hope it is not too tedious.Now would be a good time to go into the aims...

Library Cataloging
