Library Cataloging


Elias Torres, Ben Adida discuss RDFa on Technometria with Phil Windley
While the web is primarily for human consumption, more sites are including machine readable data. However, this information is usually included separately. As the RFDa Primer states, RFDa provides a set of XHTML attributes to augment visual data with machine-readable hints. RDFa helps bloggers and website authors make their web pages smarter by adding computer-readable information to a site. Elias Torres and Ben Adida talk about it, including its history and what problems RFDa is attempting to solve.

Torres and Adida also discuss the technical details of RDFa and give a detailed technical description of how RDFa works. They review the mechanics of RDFa and give examples of its usage.

- Dublin Core News
A couple of news items from DCMI. DCMI Metadata Terms published with RDFa markup A maintenance release of DCMI Metadata Terms, published today, now includes HTML markup describing all of its properties, classes, datatypes, and vocabulary encoding schemes...

- Podcast Discussing Rdfa
The Nodalities folk at Talis have an interesting podcast on RDFa.In my latest podcast I talk with Mark Birbeck. We discuss the role of RDFa in bringing structure and semantics to HTML web pages, and look at effective examples from the UK Government?s...

- Oai-ore Specifications And Implementation Documents
The production versions of the OAI-ORE specifications and implementation documents are now available to the public, with a table of contents page. This public release is the culmination of several months of testing and review of initial alpha and beta...

- Rdfa In Xhtml
The technical specification RDFa in XHTML Syntax and Processing was formally accepted as a Web Consortium Technical Recommendation by W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee.The current Web is primarily made up of an enormous number of documents that have been created...

- Rights Metadata
MozCC 2.2 is now available for Firefox 2 (beta 1). This release adds support for metadata described with RDFa.mozCC is an extension for Mozilla-based browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Netscape, which provides a convenient way to...

Library Cataloging
