RSS & the OPAC
Library Cataloging

RSS & the OPAC

The author of 43 Folders asks if it is possible to get an RSS feed of the library books he has checked out. The ensuing comments are enlightening. All library systems should have a clean, easy, well documented Web services AIP. Seen on

The Shifted Librarian has comments about ILS offering RSS feeds. It seems the new system from Dynix has that ability.

- Shifted Wiki
The Shifted Librarian is back and using a Wiki. A Wiki is a Web page that anyone can edit and change. If you have been curious or this is totally new, check this out and add links and suggestions. The Shifted Wiki isa place to put your ideas for RSS feeds...

- Opac
Jenny, the Shifted Librarian, writes about how unresponsive ILS vendors are to the suggestions and comments of their customers. The slow response to RSS is shown as an example. How true. I have been trying to get Athena to display conference name headings...

- Shifted Librarian
The Shifted Librarian has a new look. Nice, clean and uncluttered....

- Hipper Catalogs
Dressing the part... by Nelia C. Wurangian-Caan asks how can we make our catalogs more hip, and so attractive to users. Here are a few of my ideas for making our catalogs more hip.RSS feed of most circulated books, books with most holds, etc. Dynamic...

- French Ils
"This is an announcement for a free (GPL) library automated system based on PHP and MySQL. PhpMyBibli (still in French, sorry...), still in development phase, aims to provide a convenient and easy to use interface for the librarian and the library's...

Library Cataloging
