RSS & the OPAC
Library Cataloging

RSS & the OPAC

Lots of activity about creating RSS feeds from the Dynix System. First there was Creating an RSS Feed of Books You Have Checked Out of the Library. This generated some discussion and further development. Then came an RSS feed of new DVDs, again for the Dynix system. I hope the folks at Dynix are getting some of this and will include some of these tools in future versions. I hope all vendors are aware of this and will include RSS feeds, or their easy creation in future products. Seen at Library Stuff.

- Open Publication Distribution System
Well, I'm back to the weblog again because an idea has taken hold of me. I recently became aware of Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) Catalog format, a syndication format for e-pubs based on Atom & HTTP. It is something like an RSS feed...

- Podcast Metadata Tool
Greg Schwartz, of Open Stacks fame, in his Sirsi/Dynix Institute talk mentioned a very nice tool for creating metadata for podcasts, the Poderator. It builds both the itunes and standard metadata for your feed. Metadata...

- Rss Tool
Planet looks like a useful tool. No library related Planet sites yet.Planet is a flexible feed aggregator. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.It uses Mark...

- Rss In The Opac
Here is a great idea; RSS feeds from the OPAC for new books, most popular items, or most reserves. It would be even better if the patron could select genres or formats. This might fit nicely into a MyLibrary portal. Does MyLibrary accept an RSS feed?...

- Rss
The RSS Valiadator checks RSS feeds. It works with RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0, but it is optimized for RSS 2.0 feeds. This ensures that the RSS feed is up to standards. It also recognizes elements from other name spaces, like Dublin Core....

Library Cataloging
