Sandy Berman
Library Cataloging

Sandy Berman

The talk Sandy Berman gave to the students at the University of Washington is available as a QuickTime streaming video. Can't say anything about the content since my machine does not seem able to handle that format. It is in 3 parts, each about 30 min.

- Sandy Berman
This is copied from LIS News, there are also some interesting comments including one by Sandy. Posted with permission.Steve Fesenmaier writes "Last summer one of the worst disasters in post-WWII librarianship took place at the Hennepin County Library...

- Sandy Berman
The Elizabeth Stone Lecture by Sandy Berman is available. You will need Windows Media Player Version 7 or higher....

- Sandy Berman
Some recent writings by Sandy Berman are now available. They include several from the Unabashed Librarian....

- Worth Reading
Every 2 weeks Rory Litwin produces another issue of Library Juice. The focus is on intellectual freedom. Only rarely does it have anything to do with cataloging, sometimes Sandy Berman rates an article. If you support the Library Bill of Rights this fine...

- Sandy Berman
It seems HCL is out to erase the work of Sandy Berman. The latest issue of Library Juice has quite a bit on the subject.

Library Cataloging
