Security Issue
Library Cataloging

Security Issue

Ruby and Ruby on Rails have been widely used by the library coding community. In the past few weeks major security flaws have exposed in the tools. A List Apart (the other ALA) has an informative article on the topic, De-Railing Security Bugs.

I'm not sure what the Code4Lib folks have done about this issue.

- Another Os Ils
Project Next-L, the librarian community in Japan has announced the release of the open-source integrated library system, Next-L Enju Leaf 1.0.0. Next-L Enju Leaf is a full-featured ILS built on Ruby on Rails 3.1, Apache Solr and their RESTful architecture....

- Https Everywhere
The EFF has a new version of HTTPS Everywhere. This week, EFF launched a new version of HTTPS Everywhere, a free security tool that provides enhanced privacy protection for Firefox browser users. EFF built HTTPS Everywhere to automatically switch many...

- Ill Tool
Anyone using the ILL tool Odyssey?The Odyssey software allows sites to send and receive electronic documents to other Odyssey sites, OCLC ILLiad sites, and other vendor's software that supports the Odyssey protocol. Odyssey was designed with low cost,...

- Marc Tool, Ruby-marc
Now available, ruby-marc a ruby library for processing MARC data. I've also FURLed it. MARC...

- Xml
A press release on a new processor for XML work.DataPower, the leader in XML-aware networking, today announced the XG4[tm] (XML Generation 4) product family of XML chips and modules. The XG4 family, unveiled at Networld-Interop [Booth #2559], is the first...

Library Cataloging
