Library Cataloging


SUNCAT is the pilot Serials UNion CATalogue for the UK.

The pilot service includes records from 22 of the largest UK research libraries and the databases of the CONSER programme and the ISSN International network.

It has MARC display and save options so it could be useful for copy-cataloging.

- Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum.
The Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee (CRCC) has announced the agenda for their Update Forum. If you can't be there in person, it will be webcast, Monday, June 25, 2012 - 1:30pm to 3:30pm. Thanks. Adolfo Tarango, CJK, Serials, and Shared Cataloging...

- Serial Cataloging Guide
NASIGuide: MARC Coding for Serials by Elizabeth McDonald and Beverly Geckle is now available.Aimed at helping in the creation and interpretation of MARC bibliographic records for serials, this guide focuses on how serial MARC records differ from records...

- Serial Title Changes
"My Highly Opinionated Note About ISSN" by Judy C. Holoviak of the American Geophysical Union discusses the problem with the current rules for title change and the resulting change in ISSN and OpenURL problems. It appears in the latest issue of the Geoscience...

- Conser
The new issue of CONSER Line is available. Some of the topics are:CONSER Defines the "Aggregator-neutral" RecordArabic Vernacular Records Being Added to CONSERISSN Standard Undergoes Five-Year ReviewElectronic Serials Holdings Data Survey...

- Serials
NISO and EDItEUR to Set Serials Exchange Standard. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and EDItEUR are establishing a Joint Working Party (JWP) to explore the development of a common standard format for the exchange of serials subscription...

Library Cataloging
