Library Cataloging


Spelling errors prevent access to materials and our catalogs do contain typos. I've not recently mentioned the work by Terry Ballard and others, so it is worth listing these again.

- Typographical Errors In Library Databases
The Typographical Errors in Library Databases page has been updated. Thank you Terry Ballard, Tina Gunther and all who have contributed to this resource. This list can also be used to find misspellings in other resources. Infotrack, for instance, shows...

- Typos
Typographical Errors in Library Databases has been revised by Tina Gunther and Terry Ballard. I checked our catalog for the new additions to the list and found a couple. So even small libraries may benefit from checking for these errors....

- Spelling
Misspellings limit access to information. Terry Ballard has mobilized others to hunt out common typos and produces the Typographical Errors in Library Databases list. I've mentioned the list before, but it has recently been revised. Worth checking...

- Spelling
Here is another listing of misspelled words found in our catalogs, Common Spelling Mistakes. Not sure how it was compiled or the relationship to the list by Terry Ballard, Typographical Errors in Library Databases. Thanks to David Schuster for pointing...

- Typographical Errors In Library Databases
Typographical Errors in Library Databases Terry Ballard has collected the most common spelling and typographical errors in our catalogs. This is important work, since an error can scatter references defeating one of the prime reasons for cataloging, to...

Library Cataloging
