Library Cataloging


An article in Intelligent Enterprise Managing Spaghetti Content by Philip Russom

Every content management application demands a well-ordered taxonomy. The challenge is to maintain taxonomy quality as content evolves over time.

One suggestion is to hire librarians. Excellent idea.

- The Living Taxonomy Project (ltp)
An interesting project brought to my attention by Steven Cohen.The Living Taxonomy Project is a collaborative effort aimed at creating a global set of open source, standards-based taxonomies for education. The purpose of these taxonomies will be to provide...

- Classification
Why Dewey's Decimal System is prejudiced appears in the latest JOHO, Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization. This is a personal newsletter from David Weinberger. (Thanks to the commenter for clearing up the person responsible.) He is the author of...

- Owl
The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is now a W3C Candidate recommendation.19 August 2003 -- Today, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) issued Web Ontology Language (OWL) as a W3C Candidate Recommendation. Candidate Recommendation is an explicit call for implementations,...

- Thesauri
Taxonomy Warehouse is a free service (free to users and free to vocabulary publishers) provided by Synapse, the Knowledge Link Corporation for the benefit of the information and knowledge management community.The Warehouse aims to provide a comprehensive...

- Xml And Taxonomies
XML and taxonomies A partnership cure for digital sprawl by Linda Farmer provides a business perspective on these tools. Information Highways v. 9, no. 2 (Jan.-Feb., 2002)The judicious application of XML and taxonomies can go a long way towards stemming...

Library Cataloging
