THAT Podcast
Library Cataloging

THAT Podcast

The Humanities and Technology, THAT podcast sounds interesting. Brought out by the folks at The Center for History and New Media
@ George Mason University. The 1st show is about Wordpress.
Our inaugural episode of The Humanities and Technology Podcast explores Wordpress, the popular open source blogging platform. We interview Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, and demonstrate how to install the ScholarPress Courseware course management plugin used to set up a course website and blog.

- Wordpress Plug-in
The CrossRef Citation Plugin is a "WordPress plugin that allows blog entry authors to search CrossRef's metadata using full or partial citations and then insert the formatted and DOI-linked citation into their blog posting along with COINs metadata."...

- Scriblio Download Now Available
Scriblio, the Mellon Award winning front end for the catalog, is now available for free download. It is based on WordPress, the popular blogging tool.Scriblio (formerly WPopac) is an award winning, free, open source CMS and OPAC with faceted searching...

- Unapi Plugin For Wordpress
Technosophia has announced a WordPress plugin for unAPI.I've finally gotten around to updating the unAPI plugin for WordPress so that it fits into the WordPress plugin architecture, making it simple to install and maintain. I'm calling it version...

- Librarypages Podcast
Here is a new library science podcast, Librarypages Podcast. The initial episode is a discussion on cataloging with Dr. Shawne D. Miksa. That's a good start.Are you curious about issues that go on in the world of library science; even if it isn't...

- Blogging The Catalog
Library 2.0 in the Real World by Jenny Levine points to some very interesting work.The prototype is built on the WordPress open source, blogging platform, which gives it some very interesting features. For example, every record in the catalog gets its...

Library Cataloging
