The New Cataloger
Library Cataloging

The New Cataloger

The New Cataloger by Roy Tennant appears in Library Journal.
I've often said librarians should like any metadata they see. This is because we are entering an age where MARC no longer rules, since the 21st-century library will be handling increasing amounts of born-digital material. Even now, librarians are using formats such as Dublin Core (DC), Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), and Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), among others, to capture and manipulate important data about various information resources. One metadata standard is way too inadequate for the job.
Later he goes on to mention ONIX records from publishers. At one time there was talk of someone putting together a list of publishers providing them freely on the Web. Anyone know if this is being done? That and Endnote citation metadata are perhaps the two closest to our bibliographic metadata. They might yield the largest benefit to enriching and exposing our catalogs.


- Oclc Is Enriching Onix Metadata
OCLC now offers a service to enrich ONIX metadata for publishers.OCLC now offers Metadata Services for Publishers, a new service that takes publishers' ONIX title metadata, enriches it using WorldCat mining and mapping techniques, and delivers the...

- Onix
I had remarked a while back that I know of no publisher making their ONIX records available. I've since received two comments pointing out that some records are available. The Cambridge University Press makes them available, along with much other...

- Marc & Metadata
Vol. 22, no. 1 of Library Hi Tech includes many papers of possible interest.Metadata and librarianship: will MARC survive? Bradford Lee EdenCyril: expanding the horizons of MARC21 Jane W Jacobs; Ed Summers; Elizabeth AnkersenThe MARC standard and encoded...

- Metadata
Ready to Wear: Metadata Standards to Suit Your Project: An RLG-CIMI Forum, held 12-13 May 2003 now has the presentationas available. Talks include:Investigating: reference models & framework CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), Functional Requirements...

- Sla
Committee on Cataloging to present a technical session on metadata at the Annual Conference, New York, June 9, 2003.Metadata Standards: what's new & how will they impact your work Monday, Jun 09, 2003 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Sponsors: Technical Standards...

Library Cataloging
