This 'Blog
Library Cataloging

This 'Blog

The 0.91 RSS feed for this 'blog seems to be broken. It has not updated since Feb. 19. I can not find any problems with the postings in that time frame and so have decided that it is a problem with the server. UPDATE: I was right, it was the server. Seems to be fixed now.

- This 'blog
Bloglet has begun working again. That is the service that e-mails postings from web logs each night. No need to visit a site, a good option for folks who like e-mail. However, this summer it has provided erratic service, not so nice. Since it is a free...

- This 'blog
The service that e-mails postings has been down for quite some time. I've sent them a few messages asking if they plan to resume the service but have not received an answer. I'm assuming they are no longer providing the service.There does not...

- Library 'blog
Greg, of Open Stacks (see link at right) and the article on Web Junction fame, left a note commenting on my post about library 'blogs. In it he mentions What's Gnu, a blog of news, resources, and events of use to reference librarians. I'd...

- E-mail
It has been a while since the e-mail feature provided by Bloglet has worked. I think I have fixed it. If you use this tool on your 'blog, I fixed it by pointing to the RSS feed rather than the Web page....

- Metadata
The GeoURL ICBM Address Server is more metadata for Web logs. Not bad, but this multiplication of schemes is counterproductive in the end. Still, I did add the tags to this 'blog and register. Time will sort out these differing schemes.GeoURL is a...

Library Cataloging
