This 'Blog
Library Cataloging

This 'Blog

I've set up another RSS feed, this one in 0.91. It does display better in AmphetaDesk than the old one in 0.92. However, it does not validate and the other does, go figure. If you read this on your news aggregator you may want to switch.

The problem with the titles has been solved. Everything should now be working, if you experience any bugs, please let me know.

- Rss Tool
Planet looks like a useful tool. No library related Planet sites yet.Planet is a flexible feed aggregator. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.It uses Mark...

- Rss Validator
Here is a tool that will validate your RSS feed on a daily basis and e-mail you the results.Please enter the URL of a feed that you wish to validate periodically, an email address you want the result to be sent to, and a subject for the email (which makes...

- Library 'blogs
Blake Carver and Steven M. Cohen have teamed up to provide LISFeeds. This is a one-stop-site for library related RSS feeds. There are about 25 sites so far. Just click on the 'blog title in the left hand pane and read postings in the right. Then click...

- This 'blog
I've upgraded the software on this 'blog from Blogger to Blogger Pro. If you experience any problems with the new version please let me know. Pro has the ability to create titles, only it does not seem to be working. If you can give me an idea...

- Rss For Acquisitions
A new and rather interesting RSS application is the notification service of Amazon. Using a news aggregator, the link will deliver a list of books. Just replace ???? with the keyword of interest....

Library Cataloging
