This 'Blog
Library Cataloging

This 'Blog

I've added a button to allow users to open links in a new window, if they wish. It is on the left side about half way down. If this causes any problems for you, please let me know.

- Customize Your Site
Customize the look of your site with some buttons designed for your specific needs. 80x15 Brilliant Button Maker makes it easy to create and even host your personalized buttons.The "80x15 brilliant buttons", also known as "antipixel buttons" or "badges"...

- Easter Eggs
Just wondering, does anyone include instructions on finding Easter eggs on DVDs in their catalog records? For those who have not heard of Easter eggs, they are hidden extras. For example here are instructions to find them on Doctor Who - The Tomb of the...

- Library 'blog
Greg, of Open Stacks (see link at right) and the article on Web Junction fame, left a note commenting on my post about library 'blogs. In it he mentions What's Gnu, a blog of news, resources, and events of use to reference librarians. I'd...

- This 'blog
I'm considering cleaning up Catalogablog by removing some minor features. Let me know if you use any of these:ThreadTrack (only once has this linked back)IM with me, Blog Chat (Never has anyone chatted)The Amphetadesk icon (You should be able to select...

- Information Access
My wife uses a handheld as a replacement for her Franklin Planner. I get by fine with my old Timex Data Link. This past weekend I was messing with her PDA and installed AvantGO on it and selected Catalogablog as my channel. It worked rather nicely. It...

Library Cataloging
