Thoughts about Learning Styles
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Thoughts about Learning Styles

Last week I acted as a secretary for my wife as she presided over a TMEA lunch meeting. I took a couple of pictures as well as the notes, and later moved a few of the best to flickr. The Texas Music Educators Association has over 10,000 members. They draw over 12,000 to their annual conference. While on flickr I decided to check and see what other photos were tagged TMEA. None. Zero. Nada. I was startled by this result. Not one person out of this large group had taken a photo at a regional meeting, the annual meeting or a planning lunch and posted it to flickr.

Later it dawned on me, these are all musicians. The visual is not their preferred method of communication. They most likely take less pictures than the general population. And, then they are still less likely to use a visual service to share them. The pictures I took, even though I let the folks at the meeting know they were available, have had very few hits. Looking at pictures is not their style.

When designing services for our users it is important to remember the different learning styles. They do make a difference. This group might have very little interest in flickr and a visual representation of knowledge clusters. Podcasting might appeal to them, if done well. They are more discriminating that most of us in the aural arena. When marketing to them in their preferred manner we should aim to keep the quality high, they will catch things we fail to notice.

- Access To Images
A new HP report Sharing, Discovering and Browsing Geotagged Pictures on the Web by Carlo Torniai, Steve Battle, and Steve Cayzer discusses access to images.In recent years the availability of GPS devices and the development in web technologies has produced...

- Tmea
The rest of the week I'll be in San Antonio at the Texas Music Educators' Association (TMEA) conference. I'll be presenting a poster on the TEKSLink Project. Also, I'll be providing support for my wife since she is the elementary chair,...

- Tmea Nominations
This weekend is Super Tuesday for the Texas Music Education Association elections. Lots of regions have their meetings and each nominates one person to run for president-elect. A person needs nominations from three regions to get on the ballot. Cora Bigwood...

- Tla District 8 Fall Meeting
The TLA District 8 Fall Meeting on is over. It had to be rescheduled due to a hurricane, and so lost a lot in attendance. Still it was a good conference. There were 7 or 8 sessions in each of the time slots to chose among, a general session and lunch....

- Tmea
I've recovered from TMEA last week. The Texas Music Educators Association's annual conference had over 10,000 people in attendance. Tech was low to non-existent. It is a very different conference than most I attend. Folk dancing is not a session...

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