Library Cataloging


This morning I heard Eric Lease Morgan speak on library portals. The MyLibrary software is "free, like a kitten." Just a perfect turn of phrase, because it is so true. Bill Cosby was everything I expected. Whoever thought of him as a speaker and then got him deserves big thanks. Shelly Kelly speaking on the Johnson Space Center Archives was very good. Also worth hearing was Chuck Bearden on open-source. I think he has forgiven me for suggesting him as a speaker.

Exhausted, so this may be the product of sleep depravation but, a low-cost option for NACO participation would be nice. Some folks just can not pay the cost of full membership in RLN or OCLC. Would Marcive be an option?

There has been a huge price reduction in MARC Magician software.

There are still some CDs left at the TRGCC table (booth no. 1044). The LPI donated about 700 CDs. They contain imagery of the planets, information about recent missions and texts on aspects of planetary science. They are copy-free, so use them on your Web sites, just give attribution. Stop by the booth and pick one up.

- Shameless Plug Tla
Two of my collogues will be presenting at the Texas Library Association annual conference.Space Science Resources for Students 2:00 - 3:20 PM (Thurs.) Educators at NASA Johnson Space Center?s ARES program and the Lunar and Planetary Institute have assembled...

- Metadata And Delicious
Eric Lease Morgan has taken the Alex texts and extracted keywords from them and their metadata and then loaded this on All automated. Nice for discovery of the texts in the Alex Catalog. However, I wonder, since this is possible, just how...

- Tla
I've just received the program for the Texas Library Association annual conference. Lots of good sessions. Some of the ones I'm sure to catch include:Open-Source Software and Libraries a Good Fit? by Charles Bearden. Chuck was one of the early...

- Texas Library Association Annual Conference
I'll not be at TLA this year. I'll miss seeing everybody and visiting with folks from all across Texas. Let me know how the TRGCC meeting goes. However, the LPI will have a booth there. My co-workers will be at booth 3043. Their exhibit displays...

- Catalogs
Folks are always looking for low cost alternatives in cataloging software. Small church libraries, clubs, and departments are just a few who find the cost of even the smaller PC systems out of their budget. Well, there are a few alternatives.Koha is an...

Library Cataloging
