Library Cataloging


Dan Chudnov continued his work on unAPI. Now the slides from his talk at Code4Lib are available. As a rule, I don't link to slides. However, I think this is the best idea since RSS. Think of the implications. Any site can easily install an API to their data. No fancy programming needed. Since sites are using a standard API, tools developed for one site will work on plenty of others. Redundant work is greatly reduced. Now data is free to work harder, mash-ups are easy. Data flow is easier.

Informancy asked what is the next big thing? Mash-ups would get my vote. And leading the way to easy mash-ups is the unAPI.

BTW I found out that Amazon can supply records in MODS from Dan's site. How useful could that be?

P.S. I've heard from Dan Chudnov that I had the info about Amazon outputting MODS records wrong. His tool reformats their output into a MODS record. Makes more sense.


- Mods In Rdf
News from LC about MODS in RDF. As a result of requests from the MODS community and for its own explorations into Linked Data, the Library of Congress has developed MODS/RDF, an ontology for MODS. This work has been informed by the previous work of developing...

- Unapi Plugin For Wordpress
Technosophia has announced a WordPress plugin for unAPI.I've finally gotten around to updating the unAPI plugin for WordPress so that it fits into the WordPress plugin architecture, making it simple to install and maintain. I'm calling it version...

- Unapi
Introducing unAPI by Daniel Chudnov, Peter Binkley, Jeremy Frumkin, Michael J. Giarlo, Mike Rylander, Ross Singer and Ed Summers appears in the latest Ariadne It describes unAPI, a tiny HTTP API for serving information objects in next-generation Web applications....

- Greesemonkey Script For Unapi
Alf Eaton has put together a Greasemonkey script for unAPI.unAPI, the lightweight mechanism for retrieving objects or their metadata in different formats, reached version 1 a few weeks ago, and has been implemented in HubMed and other places already....

- Unapi
APIs are a great way to share metadata, one thing we have lots to share. However, each API is a custom job. Using it requires adhering to the particular conditions of each site. Creatng one requires starting from scratch. More places would have one, if...

Library Cataloging
