Library Cataloging


eALCTS Program Presentation Handouts from the 2004 Annual Conference are now available. As a rule, I don't point to slides from presentations. There is just not enought information with them taken out of context. However, this collection is just too large, on topic and by such presentors, an exception had to be made. Topics include:

- Olac Conference Handouts
The OLAC Conference organizers came up with a terrific idea, using Dropbox to store and make available the conference handouts. Find below a link to the dropbox for conference handouts. So far, we have the handouts for the FRBR workshop, the CONSER serials...

- Rda @ Ala
Pre-conference, Friday, July 10, 8:30-5:00 Title: RDA, FRBR, FRAD: Making the Connection Speakers: Barbara Tillett (Library of Congress), Glenn Patton (OCLC), Robert Maxwell Brigham Young Univ.), and Tom Delsey (JSC) This pre-conference concentrates on...

- Marc @ Ala
Announcement for a presentation at ALA that sounds very interesting.Did you know that catalogers use only 10-20% of available MARC fields/subfields? Given evolving search behaviors and the amazoogle effects do our bibliographic records provide information...

- Functional Requirements For Bibliographic Records Using Current Marc Records
The postprint of FRBRization: a Method for Turning Online Public Finding Lists into Online Public Catalogs by Martha M. Yee is available full-text.Problems users are having searching for known works in current OPACs are summarized, and it is suggested...

- Catalogs
Bernhard Eversberg has had his presentation What should catalogs do? available for quite some time. As a rule I do not point to presentations because PowerPoint slides do not contain much information. However, this presentation has links to substantial...

Library Cataloging
