Blogging Tool
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Blogging Tool

BlojsomIT! is a servlet version of MoveableType's bookmarklet. We had a previous version but this one is much improved. Essentially it enables you to easily blog an interesting page using one click (well, OK two clicks). You can also send trackback pings. Take a look at the form and see if you'd like it (you have to be running blojsom). If you do, feel free to download it. Feedback welcome.

So what's this got to do with the semantic web? Not much at the moment, but William is working hard on extending BlojsomIT! to a SemBlogIT! tool, which is starting to look really cool. Stay tuned.

Seen at The Semantic Blogging Demonstrator.

- Metadata In Weblogs
What next for Semantic Blogging? by Steve Cayzer. HPL-2006-149.Semantic Blogging is the use of rich metadata to transform blogs from simple online diaries to full participants in an information sharing ecosystem. Originally the semantic blogging vision...

- Arxiv Supports Trackbacks
A tool common to weblogs has moved into the e-print arena, arXiv the physics preprint server now supports supports the Trackback standard. By sending a trackback, you can notify that you've created a web page that references...

- Semantic Web
Semantic Blogging : Spreading the Semantic Web Meme by Steve Cayzer is on the the symantic web applied to blogging.This paper is about semantic blogging, an application of the semantic web to blogging. The semantic web promises to make the web more useful...

- Semblogging
The Semblogging demonstrator is now out.Here are some simple notes for looking at the HP Labs semantic blogging demonstrator The blog is intended to show the use of semantic web technologies augmenting the blogging paradigm, and applied to the domain...

- Semantic Blogging
The Semantic Blogging Demonstrator has a new tool available, RDFAccess component....

Library Cataloging
