Library Cataloging
Classify from OCLC
Classify is a service from OCLC. Search, the resulting FRBR set is checked and then the classification numbers used displayed. Quick, simple way to get a class number. No need to be an OCLC member. Does Dewey, NLM, and LCC at least. Not sure about other less used classification schemes, like the one at the US Geological Survey.
Seen on Lorcan Dempsey's weblog.
Oclc Research
Some new resources on the OCLC ResearchWorks page. Seen on Lorcan Dempsey's weblog
XSLTproc OCLC Research's XSLTProc is a tool for managing and using arbitrary XSLT stylesheets.SchemaTrans crosswalk repository and schema transformation. Crosswalks...
Lorcan Dempsey's Weblog
Lorcan Dempsey, VP of Research for OCLC, has weblog....
The Library of Congress Classification schedules have traditionally used parentheses around certain class numbers to indicate one of two conditions:the number was formerly valid but is now obsolete and no longer used by LC, orthe number is an optional...
Information architecture: learning how to classify by Gerry McGovern talks about the need for metadata in information management. He seems to mean something different than I do when discussing classification.If you are a knowledge worker, a key skill...
The U.S. Geological Survey Library Classification System is available on-line. M. Dewey developed this classification. (There is a dissertation there for someone.) If it is used it should be in field 084 with subfield 2 including "usgslcs"...
Library Cataloging