Collection-level descriptions
Library Cataloging

Collection-level descriptions

Library Review v. 52, no. 6, p. 247-250 (2003) has the article "Collection-level descriptions: metadata of the future?" by George Macgregor.
The potential for digital library growth has recently drawn into question the ability of users to navigate large distributed and heterogeneous collections. This column attempts to summarise some of the potential benefits to be derived through the implementation of collection-level descriptions for both user resource discovery and institutional collection management. In particular, the concept of "functional granularity" is introduced and some related issues are briefly explored.
The same issue also contains a review of Music Classification Systems by Mark McKnight.

- Oaister Now Sru Enabled
OAIster, OAI metadata collection for digital repositories, now has SRU functionality. The implementation has the lowest level of SRU functionality (level 0), providing keyword searching. See the explain info, and more information about their implementation....

- Collection-level Description Schema
Collection descriptions: state of play by Ann Chapman describes the RSLP (Research Support Libraries Programme) Collection-level Description schema.It is now easier than ever before for users to search for collections held by institutions, thanks to a...

- Dublin Core
The DCMI Collection Description WG reported in October 2002 that there had been limited interest in the proposal to develop a DC-based application profile for collection-level description.Since that time, however, the co-chairs have received a number...

- Metadata
In the current ASLIB Proceedings "Metadata-based access to multimedia architectural and historical archive collections: a review" by Jeroen Bekaert,; Dimitri Van De Ville; Boris Rogge; Iwan Strauven; Emiel De Kooning; Rik Van de Walle.A summary of the...

- Professional Reading
"Metadata-based access to multimedia architectural and historical archive collections: a review" in Aslib Proceedings (2002) v. 54, no. 6, pp. 362-371.Presents a brief overview of what is meant by a digital library and a digital archive, and how archival...

Library Cataloging
