Library Cataloging


The latest issue of the Plain Text Gazette is now available. The focus of this issue is "bad language in the public domain" but others sectors can apply the ideas as well.

- Value Of Cataloging
Counting Cataloging: Moving Beyond Statistics to Measure the Value of Cataloging by Melissa De Fino and Jianrong Wang appears in the latest issue of LIBRES (Volume 22, issue 1) Given the budgetary and technological changes facing academic libraries, it...

- Dublin Core News
An updated specification for DC-TEXT, a syntax for serializing, or representing, a Dublin Core metadata description set in plain text, has been published as a DCMI Recommended Resource.The "Description Set Model" of the DCMI Abstract Model [DCAM] describes...

- Writing
The new issue of the Plain Text Gazette is now available. The articles are:Editorialwhy oh Why Oh why can't we get Capitalisation Right?Words We Hate: the list that could just go on for everI find it helpful to be reminded of the basics of good writing,...

- Worth Reading
Every 2 weeks Rory Litwin produces another issue of Library Juice. The focus is on intellectual freedom. Only rarely does it have anything to do with cataloging, sometimes Sandy Berman rates an article. If you support the Library Bill of Rights this fine...

- Writing
The latest issue of The Plain Text Gazette is now available."You've spent 2 years and GBP 2 million to create the ultimate content management system. Your staff have reached the nirvana of 'total relevance' where they have precisely the right...

Library Cataloging
